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Design A logo for Raw & Rare , Raw & Rare ( Healthy Food Store) Logo Ripon Sarkar TricsForum

Design A Logo for Raw & Rare

Please rate the logo within 10.
Is the logo cover the Brand?

Business Name    : Raw & Rare
Slogan.                : Healthy Food Store
Type of service.   : Supplier of Organic foods, Honey, Rice and others

Designer.            : Ripon Sarkar

Update: 12.07.2020

RGB Color Mode

Background #02280d
Green #00d029
Yellow #fff200

CMYK Color Mode

Background #112917
Green #47b649
Yellow #fcee23

Color Mode: RGB

Color Mode: CMYK

Update: 08.06.2020

Logo in different color profile





Image: Raw & Rare Healthy Food Shop logo 1

#Green Leaf represents the letter 'r' of word "raw"
#Yellow branch with honeycombs represent the letter 'r' of the word "rare"
#and (&) symbol with a leaf represents "Freshness"
#Bee symbol represents "raw, Authentic and rareness"

#Color Green for freshness and organic
#Color Yellow for ambitious.

#Used font remind garden looks

This logo is very clear in even 40x40 px

With love,
Ripon Sarkar

Criticism is Wellcome

Image: Raw & Rare Logofolio set 1

Design Idea served by Client:
This 2nd option of image 1 is good.
Image-1: (Supply by Client)

image-2: Some of his relatives make sure that the second image is good enough. The color of both images 1 and 2 look fine.
Image-2 : (Supply by Client)

but The client seeks a much better theme on his logo.

As he finds and like my copy and slightly modified logo in Facebook like image -3

Image-3: (Liked by Client)

My Sketch for this logo: 

Image-4: Sketch 

My First Design for his Business:

I have also some ideas for this logo

Designer.            : Ripon Sarkar


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